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Rambles and shambles...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003
SUCH A SMALL WORLD! Yesterday, I walked out the subway into the Department with the book I had been reading on the way in my hand. To my amazement, it turns out that every single person I met there and then has read Small World, which was even refered to as "the book to read for everyone who's got any connection with the academic world". So now, I'm wondering, how could I not hear about this book before, and more generally about its author? In fact, the very first time his name was mentioned before me was during a classmate's presentation in linguistics class. She had a sample phrase like It's David Lodge's last novel, and looking back, I think a wave of approving nods and smiles ensued. However, I did not really think twice about it - Actually, I'm quite sure I had it associated with gloomy crime/horror stories, which I did not want to read. The same thing happened with The Little Prince, which my mom tried to force on me when I was younger, but that I eventually read years later when someone else warmly recommanded it. Funny how one does come to things at the time they are ready to take them in...

Reading: Small World by David Lodge.

posted by A. 5:42 AM
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